If You File Incorrectly, You Could Lose Your Benefits. We Can Help!

Federal Workers Compensation Doctors
Federal Workers Compensation (DOL-OWCP) is similar to Oklahoma State Workers Compensation in some ways, but vastly different in many other ways. It is important for injured federal workers to see a FIC trained doctor credentialed by the OWCP that is familiar with the Federal Work Comp program (OWCP) and who knows how to properly navigate the OWCP process and offer comprehensive care and injury rehabilitation. Some doctors return injured workers to their jobs prematurely, while others delay for too long. Our federal workers compensation doctors provide care and rehabilitation in an ethical manner in compliance with FECA to make sure injured federal employees fully recover and then return to work and their normal lives at the right time.

Federal Work Comp
Dealing with the federal work comp program can be frustrating. We try to make it easier for you by breaking down the process into simple steps and working with you to help provide all the documentation and forms needed to properly file your claim and receive your benefits. Our federal work comp experts have helped thousands of injured feds find a DOL-OWCP credentialed doctor, get their Continuation of Pay (COP), keep their roof, receive proper medical care, rehabilitate their injury, and return to work. If you’ve been injured while working for the federal government, we’re here for you. Give our medical spa a call today, we are passionate about helping injured feds.
Request a Free DOL-OWCP Consultation
Complete the simple form below to get a complimentary consultation with a Federal Work Comp expert to review your case and discuss your best options…